Sunday, November 2, 2014

A few more photos.  Partially built cabinets have been tacked up just to get measurements for stove and microwave cabinets.  Also I got the ceiling joists/rafters up.  Now I have to get wiring for lighting up then sheetrock goes on.  Also, we pulled off the old sheetrock and plaster off the back of the chimney in the kitchen.  Hopefully the oven will fit in there.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A few more photos of some progress.

Monday, September 15, 2014

And so it begins.......

The process has begun to remodel the kitchen.  The easy part, demolition.  I am starting first on the new back door.  We will be moving the door location and figured I would get that done first before the cold weather gets here.  On the back porch under the window I cut out where the door will be going and then had to remove the cabinets on the inside.  Got it all done.  Now I have to get some help to frame in the door and dormer.  I am getting a friend and neighbor to help out with that.  Here are some photos

Friday, March 12, 2010

Calvin comes to visit!!!

Playing in the hamper!

Just chillin' with Madeline!!!

Loving Granny's rolls!

Playing with Mackenzie!

Baking with ANNA!!!!

Eating the batter!
The church across the street was having some branches trimmed and all Calvin wanted to do was to look at the BIG TRUCKS!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Well 'bout time for an update

We didn't have Susan, Nick and Calvin with us for Christmas- but they did come a few days after! Granny Jo got him a wagon and he loved it!!
Calvin loves his Grandma!

Dad's stinky sasuage- in the shape of a heart.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Calvin, Calvin, CALVIN!

When Susan and Calvin came for the wedding, we took lots of pictures of Calvin!Calvin loves donut holes!
He loved the stairs. He would go up and down all the time.

Calvin and I sat at the table one night and had a good conversation!
He would attempt to say something and then laugh! I would laugh too because he was so cute!!

The Wedding

During Jayne and Justin's wedding, we only got a few pictures and they are all of Calvin! This is Calvin and our cousin Brian's son, Jacob.
So cute!
They played all night together!